I Work Change

Change does not have to work you out, you do know that you can also work it too? But if you choose not to work change, then you are going to feel overwhelmed and unprepared for the change that is going to happen for you and to you. We can work change by seeking it out, monitoring it and reinvent ourselves in those new spaces that we were clearly meant to be in.

Everything happens for a reason and a season. There’s no such thing as a mistake or coincidence. You can either learn from it or experience something new. That is the whole purpose of change; to teach you and to reveal to you what’s new for you which means it’s probably what you need. Please don’t tell me that in 2019 you are still #team ‘life’s not fair’ because sweetheart life is fair. Fairness says that everyone and everything will get what we need. It’s high time we see change as a necessity and get out of our feelings for just a single minute and let go of how we think things should be.

I’m trying not to roll my eyes but I can’t help it.

I’ll try and not roll my eyes back in judgment because I understand that the same way that a flower needs time to change into its bloomful self, you are also going to need time to grasp the truth about fairness. In the meantime sit quietly and affirm your power back, declare that this is your day, every day and question your way into your new.


I am changing, everyday in every moment.

Change is here for me.

I expand when I allow change to happen.

I welcome change, I welcome my best life.


Change is imminent and so am I.

I receive more of what I need when change happens.

I’m ok with not knowing.

I am prepared in the unknown.


Where is my change?

How can I work my change?

I wonder what amazing change will happen today?

Who am I during my change?

Work your change.