Layers but in a pandemic!

Whilst 2020 is getting rid of everything that has never worked for us anyway by isolating and giving us enough time to do all of our RE’s, let’s take it back a few weeks. 

I am definitely team naked and Miss less is more. But every few months I have to go through winter or cooler temperatures. And what’s the best way to slay whilst bundled up? Layers but make it vogue!

Please note that ‘make it vogue’ is an action word and not a naming word. You have to do the work on it, especially with layering.

3 things to not try:

Try not to drown in fabric. You are perfect the way you are, there are no mistakes in you!

Try not to copy and paste. Refer to affirmation: “I am perfect the way I am, there are no mistakes in me.”

Try not to be intimidated by playing around with your textures and refer to affirmation, rinse and repeat. 

3 Definites

Definitely add and take away length as you need to. Your needs and desires are valuable.

Definitely get least one weighted layers. This way you work smart and never hard.

Definitely wear gloves and accessories whilst slaying COVOID19 at the same time.

In this, our daily slay I definitely wore two layers of stockings. One was a winter stocking, the other was a bedazzled fishnet. I also wore a bodysuit to hold up the 2 layers of stockings because you know how thunder thighs and winter accessories always clash. I also wore a weighted winter faux fur jacket. And the skirt was also a replica of snakeskin but it was actually made of PVC or plastic and the print was printed through the material so you could feel it.

Pandemics don’t last forever and neither does the winter, but your layers are yours to peel back!

I’m lifehacking!

I am here for self-isolation, social distancing and quarantining. But what I am not here for is house chores every 20 minutes but I am definitely not here for cooking every 5 minutes. As a result, I have been lifehacking.


Last month I bought a mini all in one vacuum cleaner. This new addition to my sole immediate family unit is one of the best additions I have ever made. I deep clean only once a week now and the vacuum helps me with the in-between management. My house isn’t as dirty as normal because I don’t leave my house and I do more regular in-between cleans than normal. Rule of thumb, if I use it, spill it or mess it up, I have to deal with it right there and then. This way I deal with anthills at a time instead of one big mountain at the end of the week.

This month I have been working on and practicing my meal prepping. Fun fact about me I hate cooking. But this does not mean I don’t know how to cook, I just don’t like it! Last week I made a Thai, vegetable coconut curry and this week I made Chana masala, aka chickpea masala curry. Those were my big cooking fetes. My smaller fetes were beyond meat burgers and this week pizza and dumplings.


For those who don’t know, I’ve been vegan for 6-7 years now. So my shopping list always has fresh fruits and veggies, plant-based milk for smoothies and granola. Then for variety, I’ll experiment with a plant-based meat alternative. I love seitan and the beyond meat mince was ok. It didn’t look too appetizing when I first defrosted it but a lot of spice and liquid smoke made me a believer.


The plan is to enjoy my time at home and to listen to myself. One of my 2020 goals was to enjoy the best parts of me, which is all of me. And coronavirus has just made easier for me. And I don’t want house chores and taking care of myself (because cooking and cleaning are ways of taking care of ourselves too) make me hate the different essential processes of taking care of myself.

And to make sure that I continue to take care of myself and enjoy the best parts of me I meal prep, vacuum clean in between the week and deep clean once a week. How are you enjoying this lockdown time?

What’s the name for this?

I’m back in China and the internet is super slow, you know, censorship! Can you help me out and google the word that describes; the 1%, white people and the rest of the commoners who have some semblance of privilege; having a hard time being inconvenienced? 

The 1%

So it’s not just me? You also noticed that most of the people infected and ‘badly’ affected by the novel coronavirus are members of the above. And they still don’t care about their actions. Take for example white people from South Africa. This is a plea they sent to the Government of South Africa because quarantine is equivalent to being held captive?

Have you ever?

And their feelings!

Have you also noticed that these groups are also knee-deep in their feelings. About not knowing what to do with themselves? How about you try recalling how you made all of your billions? Rigging markets, tax evasions, poor employee payment structures and business models that exploit and oppress the majority so you can make a quick buck.

Their oversights!

And don’t get me started on members of the 1% making videos urging us commoners to do our bit and stay home. Meanwhile back at the ranch, they are busy infecting each other deliberately, unnecessarily and then interviewing each other about it!

But wait there’s more!

But did you hear about the 4 meters that are heading to earth come April? And word on the street is that there’s a new virus coming out of China, it’s called hantavirus. Something about rats, rat feces and the first person found with this virus died. 

What’s the word for all of this and have we tried throwing a billionaire into a volcano to appease the universe. Because we are in debt and it’s only fair the billionaires fit the bill.

It’s time to restart humanity over again because everything we have come to rely on, DOES. NOT. WORK!

Is Adulting a scam?

I’m on coronavirus quarantine, in deep REM sleep, sweating my past off and now I know that it’s because I’m hypothermic. This means that my body loses heat quickly and my body temperature is below 35 degrees celsius or at least most days. How do I know this? Well ever since we were enlighted about coronavirus, checking my temperature is my latest obsession. And no doctor is yet to confirm this but google and her homies let me know that I’m slowly dying.

Yes, this is what adulting is all about. But today I am here to share with you one of the most adulting things I have ever bought. But let me finish my story first. I’m fast asleep and my door starts banging, an unnecessary rude awakening. So, of course, I start screaming back and I hear my phone going off, cause DND is long over. I look at my phone and it finally arrived.

Not all heroes…

I run downstairs, put on my N95 mask, wash my hands, put on my surgical gloves, open the door and there she is. Sanitize the box, cut it open and instinctively put it together without even looking at the manual. I hadn’t even had my morning pee or warm water. But I was already taking my favorite purchase around the house that I am renting.

I bought a vacuum cleaner and I feel like such a super adult! And nevermind the fact that my dishes are slowly pilling up or that I left my washing in the washing machine 3 days after the machine let me know that my load had completed a full, successful washing cycle.

Super Human

None of those things really matter. The point is that I got sick and tired of always breaking out into a full spring clean anytime I see dust, sneeze, allergies take over or all of the above. I took matters into my own hands and I can now spring clean once a week and vacuum in between.

And do you know what I found after my first vacuum around my house? Is that I’m not crazy and there is a lot of dust/ dirt around us all the time and nobody says anything about it! But the real question of the day is: ‘Is Adulting a scam?’

What are your thoughts on adulting? Is it a scam? What is the most adulting thing you have done or purchased?

Love’s Own

Whether you celebrate traditional valentines, galantines or hanging with your homies times, today is a good day to remind yourself that you are love, loving, lovable and loves own! And because we’d prefer to celebrate than talk; talk; talk, we are going to keep this sweet and short!

I know we have been told lies on top of lies on a bed of lies but I’d like to remind you that you don’t have to have a significant other for love to know you by your first name and home address. For that, we declare that all of the lies we have been taught about love are fairytales!

Because the same way that you don’t have to ask oxygen to keep you alive, you never ever have to beg love to engulf you! Love is yours and nobody can take it away from you! Excuse us whilst we break out into our spoken word.

Love is ours.

Same-sex awesome? Love is yours!

Hetero thing thing? Love is yours!

Family what what? Love is yours!

Colleague community? Love is yours!

Bestie banquet? Love is yours! 

Self-love ownership? Love is yours!

Love is yours at your worst, Love is yours at your best and love is yours in your in-between! 

Go forth and love

And as beautiful as it is to know that Love is yours, you are also loves own! You are love and love, is you! But wait, there’s more! You don’t have to fill out a prescription or send out a notice, it just is. 

Now go out there and have a valemtimes like no other because love lives here and here is where love resides! 

From growth to?

And the next time you find yourself in a growth pickle, be our guest and use these questions to remind yourself why you are getting your sh*t together again because it’s time to grow and reflect.

Because at the end of the day the answers are within you and You Have To Do The Work to find them.

What’s at the end of your Growth?

Future knows what time it is.

Grow in all ways.

Bethany Zelent (2018) spoke about the questions that take place when childhood trauma occurs. Two of those questions were;

What did I do to cause this?

How can I make this stop?

I’m going to use up my confidence in an instance to say that it’s not only children who ask these questions. Grown adults who pay bills and live their best lives ask these very same questions. Except the adult version is more like;

What’s going on now?

How can I live my best life?

The ultimate escape room

As adults we just want to move past things as quickly and swiftly as possible because “Ain’t nobody got time for that” Kimberly “Sweet Brown” Wilkins (8 April 2012). So our first question is to find out what’s going on and possibly who to project this to and shift blame on. Thereafter we want to develop amnesia and continue to live our best life that is filled with escapism extremes.

Source: Kimberly ‘Sweet Brown’ Wilkins

Basically life as an adult is an escape room not realizing that our best life is also in the uncomfortable, challenging and on the other side of fear. Which means that we have to go through that fear to get to exciting. Yes the chemical release in our bodies is the same whether we are experiencing fear or excitement. How’s this link for a reference.

Source: Future

Growth and protection

Remember Bethany? Fine read up then! She also said that when trauma happens it emotionally stunts you at that age and that you are in and all at once we go from growth to protection. So instead of growing in every way possible even though it may possibly hurt we try and we prevent ourselves from feeling the pain so we protect ourselves. And I know she wasn’t talking about that durex or trojan protection, so don’t loose that.

You guys the pain that we are trying to protect ourselves from is actually GROWTH!

Source: Insecure

Stop running

So how can we experience this growth, flourish and live our best lives?

Stop running! Put your running shoes up and get your feet wet. The next time it feels uncomfortable, tight, heartbeat chasing and damn near excruciating, I want us to try something different let’s stay and find out what we will become after this growth has taken place.