You’ve got to work it, babes!

I’m not going to judge you if you haven’t figured out this series’s theme or patterns. Instead, I’m going to embrace the fact that you haven’t read our Work log, you started your work without an affirmation, a declaration or questions to help you find those answers as found on ‘I Work Monday’ and how did you make it this far without a Work-torial?

Now I may not be judging you but she may be.


Grab a ball that you can hold in your hand and preferably one that you have a good grip on. Get a tennis ball, run it around your hands and feel it. Then write everything that you are feeling on that ball, run the ball through your hands again and feel it once more but with your feelings on it.

Next, find a wall and preferably one that has no windows on because I don’t know how angry you are to be at this point of the series. I’d hate for you to be angry all over again because you had to pay for new windows. Now release that ball from your grip with your might and feel that anger leave you.


Even if you imagined the anger exercise and didn’t actually do it, it felt good right? Good cause we are going to be tapping into our minds for our forgiveness exercise. Imagine everything that you have experienced that has left you in your feelings. Collect those memories as if cleaning up slime from the floor except it’s inside of you.

Collect it all and deposit it into a balloon (you are still imagining this in your mind) fill the balloon with helium. Tie the same string that is attached to you to the balloon and cut it out. Hold the balloon that you have detached from yourself and say something that you would want to be said to you. Say it to the balloon, say it to yourself, say it to the balloon, say it to yourself, don’t say it to the balloon if you can’t say it to yourself and the let it go.

Public Service Announcement!

Disclaimer! This does not mean that you are watering down the effects that you experienced with and from the contents that you placed into the balloon. It just means that you are ready to pour that same energy that you used on the contents in the balloon and use it on yourself.


Remember that time when you didn’t know any better and you acted from less than you were created to be? Keep that same energy and have the same compassion for your foes and mishaps. Imagine someone giving you a hug every time you acted outside of your glory and grace. Now turn around and hug everyone on your list and start with yourself and let redemption collect you in the warm and loving embrace of love because that’s who you actually are.

Happy Working!!

Ready! Set! Grow!

It’s time to live the only best life that you have and then #BOOM something happens and it rocks your boat. Like it was all smooth sailing until that phone call came in and put a spanner in your wheels. Come to think of it you were doing just fine for 300 and 25 days of the year until that oopsie rearranged 40 days of ‘this is my year’  and you were never the same for the rest of the year. Legend has it that you were never the same for the rest of your life. 

The Settler

How can one little ‘excuse me’ change you so drastically? I’ll try not to rub in the salt now but it’s because you didn’t grow through that one incident. You just couldn’t learn, grow and move on with your life. Oh no, you just had to excel! Claimed that as your only reality, moved in and even had the nerve to call in the plumbers so they could pipe up your brand new life perspective. You put up your curtains of avoidance and invited everyone to the house warming that never seemed to come to an end and we have all been “privileged” to hear at least 7 different versions of the same, sad script and occasionally with a different cast. I mean “lucky us!” What a blessing it is to be bored to nocturnal, catnapping heaven. 

What’s it going to be?

What is it actually going to be? You or the situation? Unfortunately it can’t be both or at least not at the same time. Are you going to choose a temporary situation that happened in an effort to open you up to more of you? Or are you going to choose you by putting in the work, being real with yourself and actually growing through things. 


You made it this far? Pat yourself on the back and congratulations to working your growth out! This commitment is to move away from protection and be in growths face on some; “You were saying?” And for that we would like to tip you with a simple Work-Out, just to ease you in!

Source: Minions

Time to WORK it OUT!

Now what? You’ve said no to stunting and yes to growing. You understand and receive that you have just been protecting yourself from moving on, past and around stunting. And here you are with your bodacious self actually wanting to apply the work?

I don’t know whose baby this is but oh what a mood.

Miss us as we WORK!

You can use these as affirmations, decorations to your life and or maybe actually use them as prompts to get you moving but it’s all up to you.

That is our Work- Out to you and Happy doing the work!

And you are very welcome!

You deserve to be complicated and magnificent at the same time. Give yourself a chance and leave stunting to the films.