Let me see you 1, 2 Divert

Sure fine you could keep eating the same meal for the rest of your life. Or putting in little to no effort and expecting miracles in return. It’s your life do what you have to do, what you want to do and what you need to do. Just don’t be surprised by the kind of results that you get from whatever you choose. But if you are wanting a different you, you are going to have to do differently. So please put a 1 and a 2 to it and divert,

Different ways to say No

Why no? Because we say yes a lot in our comfort zones and don’t really think it through.

I can’t
I won’t
I don’t feel like it
Not today

Ways to move and divert

Besides jumping jacks and burpees you can try out a new restaurant; try a new route for either jogging, way to work; order something different on the menu and or try a new brand or debrand all together.

Research 5 different perspectives that you know nothing about. (weekly)
Talk and listen to a friend, family or loved one. (daily)
try 5 things that you have not tried before. (once a month)

Sheneneh will not save you from the work that you have to do.