I wrote the March blog in under an hour 3 weeks ago. It’s titled ‘me, myself and love.’ Fortunately, the rest of the world quarantining and self- isolating is giving me writing material for days. Today we are going to deal with the Elba’s and they are sick in love.
Us in Virus?
Idris Elba jumped on the video to let black people know that the coronavirus was a real thing. He went as far as to shout black people for not taking the virus seriously. Or at least that’s how it came across to me but that was not my main concern. My main concern was that his wife was pretty much breathing the virus right from his nostrils.
Surely in sickness and in health means that one partner can be sick whilst the other does social distancing to support the other in their sick and not that both partners get the virus. Who is going to take care of them if they are both sick? What we see in this is that Sabrina believes is a firm believer in sick in love.
Oprah interviewed Sabrina and Idris as Sabrina sucked the virus out of his lungs but Oprah put Stedman in the guest house as he had been traveling. Ok ladies! There’s more than just sick in love, crazy in love, being the FBI in love and all other kinds of dysfunctional in love.
The same Oprah that interviewed Sabrina about her COVOID19 status turned around and laughed at her recklessness. Because, how many men do you know who would do the same as Sabrina? And that same Oprah that laughed at Sabrina, put Stedman in the guest house because he had been traveling a lot recently.
There’s so much more
Before you decide to join the ‘pick me committee’ have you tried; healthy in love, spiritual in love, making money in love, academic in love, traveling in love, balanced in love, intentional in love, exercising boundaries in love, creating in love and did I mention healthy, balanced and growing in love?
Love is always a verb and if the verb you choose to participate in cuts the life span of who you are short, then it’s not love. I’m going to end this with a quote from Rupaul; “If you can’t love yourself, how the hell are you going to love somebody else?”