Disrupt, divert and be difficult reflections.

What’s working?

The movement, a changed mind and direction work. As daunting as it can be don’t settle on safe. Safe spaces are there to help you build and renew yourself. Safe spaces are there to get you out of harm’s way. Thereafter you get to build yourself up and move on and up into your next level.

What’s not working?

Standing still. Are you a pole?
Why are you going down the same road be it physical, mentally or spiritually? Are you retracing your steps in your patterns to maybe see what you can work and where you should move on? Won’t you try something different today?

Where can I grow?

In movement. Have you ever sat in the same position for a minute too long? What happened? Maybe stiffness, pins, and needles anyone? Staying in the same position will keep you in the same position and that has worse consequences than disrupting, diverting and or being difficult ever will.

Go get it for yourself, Dj Khaled certainly is.

Be demanding

It’s not every day that you get a call to disrupt, divert or be difficult but I urge you to pick up the phone and have the conversation. When seeds first shoot and roots come out of a seed they come out as a result of disrupting, diverting and being difficult. How are roots and a shoot being difficult? Well with each growth step they are choosing to go beyond the seed level.

When Honorable Judge Judy says work, WORK dear!

Affirm, declare and ask all of the questions as you disrupt, divert and are being difficult.

I am difficult in the face of my oppression. My life is too precious to be stagnant. In the face of redundancy and conformity, I disrupt. Because I understand that what I release multiplies and comes back to look for me in abundance. I receive growth

I declare that I am difficult at the face of my own oppression. I decree that I will not be an accomplice to my own oppression. Please miss me with EVERYTHING that does not, could not and will not serve me. Please and Thank you.

What am I afraid of?
Who and what am I trying to please by going with the flow?
How can I honor my journey?

Disrupt your direction

It gives me great pleasure to let you know that you already have some tools to disrupt, divert and be difficult. They are NO, MOVE and Change direction!

Here are some big ideas for you to think about.

You are only difficult for people who want you to be a walk in the park. My favorite thing to do when I’m not sure about someone is to say no and make myself physically unavailable.

The best way to disrupt is to shake, rattle and roll. Even water that doesn’t move is toxic.

Going the same way will and can only give you the same experiences. Having the same 5 friends only gives you the same 5 different perspectives to bounce off of.

Maybe you’ll hear it better from the USA’s 44th President, Barack Obama.