Change, Work and Reflect.

Change is always around the corner, on your doorstep, it always happens and your body is going to naturally respond to it with stress. The best way to go from stressed to ‘handle it with grace’ is to do the work and this is going to require for you to pace yourself, plan and execute according to your own resources and abilities. Acknowledge that change is going to happen, then accept it and honor yourself. If it takes you bit longer to do it, then so be it. If it means going at it alone then I guess you are the amazing race.

What works is doing the work and understanding your specific situation and if you don’t, observe yourself and record your data. Feels too technical? Good! You are your primary human experience and you really don’t know much about yourself except what you have experienced about yourself from past records. This means that what you know about yourself from past experiences may not work in new experiences and this may be the most daunting reality in our human experiences. However, we can keep track of our progress, triggers, and setbacks as we move along and through whatever change we are experiencing. And then do what with that data? Reflect! Reflect! Reflect!

Log, Track and Learn

Knock on the door and change is at your doorstep unannounced and is pulling the rug right under your feet. This is a whole new experience so you can’t even log your progress just yet but what you can do is to get to know this new change. Observe the change get to know its temperature, its mood swings, highs, and lows. Once you are better acquainted with your new change, get to know yourself in the new change. What is your temperature, mood swings, highs and lows in this your new change? Be detailed, be deliberate and most importantly be kind to yourself.

Once you have logged in your new changes, track your patterns; when are you on top of it, when are you under it, when do you feel weird and when do you feel wonderful? It’s not about being in control but rather about learning and experiencing yourself in the many human experiences that are to experience. And I can not stress it enough, be kind to yourself. You are allowed to be a beginner in everything and if you knew how to navigate it, you wouldn’t need to go through it in the first place. Life is fair, you experience exactly what you need, the class is in session don’t miss out on your best life.

Stop, Look and Listen

Hey! Hello! I just wanted to let you know that it’s still your life and you need to live it. Living your life isn’t always about going, going, gone. You also need to be vigilant and pause every now and then. When you stop you give yourself time to look, be observant and take account of all your blessings, your oopsies, and your next opportunities.

I know, I know easier said than done right? WRONG! It’s easy, peezy, lemon squeeze it. How else are you going to get that lemonade?

Journaling and meditating are great ways to stop and make time to process yourself. They allow you to release what no longer serves you and make space for more of you.

By documenting you give yourself evidence and data that you can do it. And then you can use that same data and evidence and learn from it at a later stage. Why at a later stage though? Because sometimes you have to live on before you can deal with yourself. So go ahead and start that blog, vlog, journal entry or even a social media post, 6 months from now you’ll be glad you did. Who knows you might even make money off of all of you, your good and your bad.

Now listen to what you were trying to say by going over your entries. This is a great way to also figure out your patterns and your life’s trends. And then honor yourself. You are here as you and nobody is going to do you better than you can. It is your obligation and duty to be you and honor yourself.